My Modded Play Diary

Day 208

I explored the Nether Fortress and found a blaze spawner, which I harvested with my silk touch pickaxe. Then, following this tutorial, I built a blaze grinder! It's working beautifully so far. Not only will this give me even more experience than my previous farm, but I'll also get tons of blaze rods and modded drops. And it's safely connected to my portal building via tunnel.

Day 217

I tamed a chocobo! Her name is Peeko, and she's from the Chococraft Plus mod. Right now, she's not the best mount (doesn't take direction well), but by feeding her various Gysahl greens, nuts and fruits, I can improve her stats! And if I get her a boyfriend, I can breed all kinds of different chocobos with special abilities.
Well, that's getting ahead of myself a bit. For now, Peeko needs a stable to call home.

Day 219

It took some shuffling around of my other animals to make room, but now Peeko has a nice, roomy stable. That straw bedding serves a purpose--with the filled cauldron, it creates a space where chocobos will regen health if they're hurt.
Now, I'll work on farming veggies and increasing Peeko's stats. Then I'll see about finding her a partner!

Day 223

I made a yurt! The Nomadic Tents mod adds several styles of deployable tents that you can use to access a "pocket dimension"-like mobile base. They're very handy for exploration.

I've outfitted mine with some basics. I'll put a bed in here, too. You can upgrade the inside to be even bigger than this, at the cost of more materials, but this will do for me for now.

Day 228
Let's talk about flux. In Thaumcraft 6, flux is a bad magic gunk that spills into the air due to various acts of thaumaturgy. Some is inevitable, and pretty harmless at low levels, though it builds up over time. When it hits a certain point, Bad Things happen.
In order to progress with Thaumcraft, eventually, you need to let the Bad Things happen.
This is dangerous and I'm a coward, so I went far from my base with a crucible. Once sufficiently distant, I heated the crucible and dumped several stacks of cobblestone inside.
This quickly spawned a sinister-looking black worm-like thing, which grew as it consumed the flux in the the aura, breaking blocks in its path. It hurts to touch and occasionally hits me with bad status effects. And it makes the most ominous ooOOOooOOo sounds.

Sooo, I've spent a couple days here with ol' Danger Noodle, waiting for this thing to collapse, which it should eventually do. Then even more Bad Things will happen. Stay tuned!

Day 232

Tearing apart reality can be surprisingly boring. I got tired of waiting for the rift to collapse, so I explored around the area a little and found a campsite from Chocolate Quest with a giant Abyss Walker. His name was Gustav. He took a long time to go down but when he did, he dropped all sorts of goodies, from diamonds to his enchanted battle axe, to a magical staff that summons friendly walkers.

Day 235
The rift finally collapsed, spawning an evil-spewing eldritch abomination--which spawned in a wall and promptly suffocated to death without contaminating any blocks, which is what I needed to happen. Soooo I need to do that all again :')
It took me a couple more attempts to get a Giant Taint Seed that didn't suffocate and die, only for me to realize that the blocks it converts don't appear to have the proper aspects I need! Oh well. At least I'm less afraid of flux catastrophess now.

Day 250

Enough of Thaumcraft for now. Time for some adventure!
I filled a small pond with water and surrounded it with flowers. Then, after tossing a diamond into the water, a bolt of lightning struck, and the little pond was transformed into a portal to the Twilight Forest.

I spawned in a Dense Twilight Forest. Trees as far as the eye can see, with the soft glow of fireflies on their trunks, and the gentle sounds of birdsong in the air.
This is a whole new dimension, with dungeons to conquer and bosses to fight! Twilight Forest has its own progression system, which I've only ever done part of, so I'm eager to explore!

Day 257

I've built a small base in the Twilight Forest. It'll function as a safehouse to store my loot, as well as be a display for any trophies from this dimension.

Day 258
The first boss of the Twilight Forest is the Naga, found within a great stone courtyard.

Fortunately, there was one not far from my portal. Unfortunately, the Naga spawned in a block, suffocated and died. This is happening to me a lot lately, huh?

I found another courtyard and Naga, only to realize that it was the advancements that were bugged. A quick re-log fixed it. By touching the Naga's dropped scales, the way forward was opened to the next dungeon, the Twilight Lich's tower!
I've fought the Lich before, and he's pretty tough. I want to upgrade my gear before I go taking him on.

Day 265

I'm cleaning up my act in Thaumcraft. My bumbling beginner alchemy experiments spilled a lot of Flux into the atmosphere around my tower, and I really don't want to be spawning rifts here. This Flux condenser and attached lattices will work to pull that flux back out of the aura. It's slow, and expensive, but at least it'll help keep the magical pollution levels down.

Day 269

Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed is an addon for Thaumcraft that among other things adds a way of literally farming essentia (magical essences) through the creation of vis seeds. It almost feels a bit cheaty, but it's welcome right now. So far I've got the primal aspects planted, and I'll gradually scale up my operation over time. Eventually, I'd like to get into golemancy and automated farming!

Day 275
I've spent the past several days at my blaze farm, gaining levels and improving my skills. Preparing for my next adventure.

It's time to try for the End.
For as long as I've played Minecraft, I've only fought the dragon a couple times, so I'm quite nervous for it. Just finding the stronghold will be a challenge, what will the powerful beasts from Ice and Fire lurking out in the wild. Well, wish me luck!

Day 276

It took some skirting of an Ice and Fire dragon roost, but I found the stronghold and the End Portal without too much trouble. I plopped a Waystone down for easy travel back to my base. Nothing much left but to jump in...!

Day 277

I did it! I beat the Ender Dragon. My Hang Glider + Rod of the Skies came in clutch for mobility. Forgot to bring bottles for the breath, but oh well, I can always spawn it again.

Day 289

I've gotten into Thaumcraft golemancy, and made an automated farm! All it took was researching a little forbidden magic. One golem harvests the crops and replants them, while the other collects the produce and stores it in a chest. While I have other ways of automated farming in this pack, none work with these particular plants, to my knowledge. Plus, the golems are just cute. I do hope those biothaumic minds don't decide to turn against me...

Day 293

It's time to work a little on the technological side of things. I've made a crude Blast Furnace and Coke Oven from Immersive Engineering. Together, they'll produce resources I need to get started with this mod.

Day 298

I'm now the proud owner of a set of water wheels! Immersive's water wheels are a bit tricky, having an optimal setup that I don't think I quite achieved, but they're still providing plenty of power to my new garden cloches. Right now, I've got cactus and sugar cane farms set up, and I'll probably add wheat, too. The best part is that these farms should run with no maintenance needed--though I might want to spruce up the area.

Day 300
Beating the Ender Dragon was a big step. Now even more of the pack is open to me. I'm having a lot of fun, and the game is far from over, with lots more adventure ahead!