My Modded Play Diary

Day 701

I've started raising the Chiromaws I took from the Matriarch's nest. Once hatched, the babies immediately began crying for food. I need to feed them the items they request, over and over, for them to grow. At least they're cute, in an ugly kind of way.

Day 704

I'm getting into herblore! This is the beginning of Betweenlands's potionmaking system, called Infusion Brewing. Various plants and other substances have aspects (not unlike Thaumcraft's), that can be distilled and combined into potions. What items hold each aspect varies per save, so I'll have to experiment to find them out! Said experiments involve feeding hapless geckos strange things and seeing what happens.

Day 711
I made myself some Healing Elixirs, stocked up on food, coated my tools to prevent decay, hopped on my Harlequin Toad, and went out looking for a fight!
... and looked, and looked. I searched thousands and thousands of blocks around, but couldn't find the Wight Fortress I needed to progress!
I needed a break from the fetid swamp. I made my way back to my portal, and the clean air of the Overworld felt so good on my face. I suited up, and took a look at all I had built.

And I decided that this would be the end of my journey.
Sorry for the anticlimax! I guess my greatest foe wasn't a boss monster, but bad RNG. But I decided I wasn't having fun anymore, and that it was time I moved on to new experiences.
I'm satisfied with what I've accomplished in this pack; this was a great dive into some 1.12.2 modded goodness. I did a lot of things I've never done before. And still, there were cool mods that I never even got around to, like Divine Favor or Lands of Icaria!
If you're reading this, thank you for coming along with me on my journey. I had fun writing this, and I'm planning to blog my next modded playthrough, too! Stay tuned.